Alumni & Friends

LEARN Alumni & Friends offers inspirational events and continued development within the area of coaching and leadership.

We experience that our graduates are passionate about coaching, and want to continue to practice and further develop their toolbox. You may have discovered the mindset of coaching, practiced your skills and experienced the impact, - what’s next?

In the LEARN community we cheer each other on, and love to see our people advance in their careers and personal lives. When we connect magic happens and important shifts can take place. We know we can create greater things TOGETHER than any one person can create by themselves. 

Upcoming events:

Alumni & Friends Webinar (online on Microsoft Teams)

Friday, December 13th 2024 11:45-13:30 CET

Theme: How the LEARN Coaching model links to the Inner Development Goals (IDG)

Network - Inspiration - Practice

Language: English or Scandinavian (depends on the participants)

Alumni & Friends Fysisk møte i Oslo

Fredag 17. januar kl 11:00-15:00

Tema: Bruk av coachende ferdigheter til håndtering av konflikter.

Nettverk - Inspirasjon - Praksis

Sted: Hos IF på Vækerø, Oslo.

Vi starter med lunsj (som du kjøper selv) kl 11:00, og avslutter kl 15:00. Begrenset antall plasser  - meld dere på så raskt som mulig.

Alumni & Friends Webinar (online on Microsoft Teams)

Friday, February 7th 2025 08:30-1030 CET

Theme: TBD

Network - Inspiration - Practice

Language: English or Scandinavian (depends on the participants)

Alumni & Friends Fysisk møte i Oslo

Onsdag 7. mai kl 09:00-13:00

Tema: TBD

Nettverk - Inspirasjon - Praksis

Sted: Hos IOGT, Oslo sentrum. NOK 150,- eks mva inkl. arbeidsbok, snacks og baguett til lunsj. Vi avslutter med lunsj. 


When you discover the impact of coaching you are likely to want to share your insights, and inspiration with important people in your life. That is why we welcome you to invite your colleges, and even family and friends to our Alumni & Friends events. 

Your network is our network, your friends are our friends. Together we can explore relevant topics, share our challenges and wins, learn from each other, and practice our coaching skills. By being inclusive of your network we also avoid “groupthink” and only seing things from an “I am in love with coaching” perspective. We would love to get to know the people that are important in your life.

Among our graduates we find leaders invested in communicating effectively with their people, and coaches on a journey to make a living from professional coaching.


The leadership role can be lonely, a network of other professionals outside your company is of great value. As a leader, coaching is one of many approaches, often your role is to communicate a clear direction, or influence.. Without coaching practice you may feel your skills getting rusty. LC Alumni is for you.


Many coaches fight to even get by the first hundred coaching hours required for the ACC credential within International Coach Federation (ICF).

Others coaches struggle with the business side of coaching, with limited experience there is a lot to learn and many challenges to overcome. You may be an excellent coach, and yet quit because of lack of support and colleagues to share your experiences with. LC Alumni provide learning and community opportunities for you!


We believe the world needs more coaches, not less. Our Alumni & Friends network help our graduates continue to coach, we hope you chose to join us, and to actively engage. Our dream is to provide inspiration, tools, new methods and food for thought to help you keep up your important work in coaching and leadership. We offer community, support, and the opportunity to contribute.


We are happy to share useful documents and resources with our participants.