Discover your compass for coaches

Key Information
Discover your compass
Our strengths, values and what drives us have an impact on how we interact with others, our priorities and choices, what we like and dislike, our emotional reactions, and how we see the world.
This inner landscape is of great importance. but is not so easy to put into words.
In LEARN Coaching, we use the metaphor YOUR COMPASS to explore your values and understand your inner landscape. By offering you a metaphor, we want to make it easier to increase your awareness of what drives you, what is important to you and what you are really good at.
Language: English
Content overview:
11 hours self-paced course
Clifton StrenghtsFinder test
3 virtually group sessions
We see coaching as a creative process that increases clients awareness of their inner compass. Discovering and calibrating your compass enables you to courageously meet the world, collaborate with curiosity and execute leadership effectively. Our personal compass is shaped by our upbringing, who we are at the core and the society we live in. You owe it to the people you are working with, to be aware of and take guidance from your own compass, so that you can be present and create space for others .
Your resources are part of your compass. Knowing your strengths, and being comfortable with letting them come to use is core to living a fulfilled life, and to serving others.
Your values are what is truly important to you. You are likely aware of some of your values. As you discover other values that also are important to you you will understand yourself better, and see why you may react the way you do in interaction with others. Insight in your values will also help you make choices that are right for you.. Your values are quite stable. Sometimes we experience things that alter our values, but more commonly we discover values that we were not aware of yet. A journey of self-development often includes finding more sustainable ways of living out some of our values, that may have been given too much focus at the expense of other values.
Your purpose is whatever deeper meaning you are aware of. Why do you get up in the morning? What calling do you seek to fulfil? What do you want to accomplish in your time on earth? This is not always tangible or easy to formulate. Your purpose is your North. You can use it to calibrate your priorities, and as a guide to make choices that are right for you. What is your North?
Learning outcomes
Increased self-awareness.
Awareness to lead from within.
Understanding yourself better.
Finding it easier to be authentic and true to yourself.
Knowing your signature strengths – and how to use them even more.
Understanding your own personal values.
Understand what is truly meaningful to you, what drives you and what your true purpose in life is.
Motivation and drive to accomplish your mission.
Curiosity about other peoples strengths, drivers and values.
About the program
Target Group
Teammembers, stakeholders or partners of LEARN Alumni
Anyone who wants to increase their self-awareness
Anyone interested in living and leading from within
Anyone interested in understanding themselves better
Anyone who wants to be even more true to themselves
Anyone who wants to understand their signature strenghts, and use them even more
Anyone interested in exploring their own personal values
Anyone seeking to understand ther purpose in life or what is truly meaningful for themselves
Anyone who has an important misson to accomplish
Anyone who wants to increase their understanding of what happens in personal interaction
Admission requirements
No previous knowledge required.
Duration and experience
Increase your awareness of what drives you, what you are really good at and what is important to you. Explore how the metaphor YOUR COMPASS can make it easier to put into words strengths, driving forces and values.
Explore your strengths with others and work with your own compass.
Your awareness of your own compass makes it easier to clear it away and be curious about your client's compass when you coach. See coaching from the compass demonstrated, and practice this yourself in groups.
The material in this course originates from LEARN Self-Leadership & Coaching
LEARN Self-Leadership & Coaching is a highly appreciated leadership development/ coach-training program. Part of the program is discovering your own compass.
On demand from previous participants we have made the material linked to the compass available as a stand alone self-paced course. Sharing the concept, framework and language with team-members, stakeholders and partners is expressed to be of great value for our alumni.
We also love that anyone who at this time may not have the finances or time to participate in the full program can still explore their inner compass.
Course Fee
NOK 6 900,- ex. vat.
Payment by invoice upon registration. As soon as the invoice is paid you will get access to the course.
If you at a later stage, after purchasing and completing the self-paced course "Discover Your Compass", want to enroll to LEARN Self-Leadership & Coaching, you will get a discount from the full price, representing your investment in "Discover Your Compass".
Once you have paid the invoice you will be given access to the course, and an invitation to complete the CliftonStrengths Assessment will be sent to you.
After that time a refund is not available.