Our Coaching Model

The client´s resources are at the core or our coaching model. A great coach creates space for your learning and helps you discover and calibrate your own internal compass!

The International Coaching Federation defines coaching as “partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential”.*

The partnership between coach and client is key to our understanding of coaching. This is true when coach and client are part of the same organization - and even the same team - and when the coach is an external consultant. 

The client is at the core of our model, symbolized by a compass that consist of the clients resources, values and purpose. We all have an internal compass, though the awareness of our compass can vary from person to person, and throughout life. A great coach believes in the client, sees the client as resourceful and helps him discover and calibrate his own compass. Coaching is about helping clients take guidance from their own compass, rather than from the coach.

The hexagon that defines the outer brim of the model explains what the coach needs to do and be for excellent coaching to take place. The coach will thus facilitate the coaching presence, described by the six words inside the hexagon. The coaching presence creates a non-judgemental space for reflection that helps advance the clients learning and sense of fulfilment. 

The coaching journey helps the client take notice of what he is experiencing, reflect and plan new experiments. This enables continuous learning and development. When coaching is successful, the client integrates this reflective practice in how he interacts with the world going forward. We have borrowed Kolb´s learning cycle** as an integrated part of our model to visualize how important reflection and learning is in coaching.

We see coaching as a creative process that increases clients awareness of their inner compass. Discovering and calibrating your own internal compass enables you to courageously meet the world, collaborate with curiosity and execute leadership effectively. 

*ICF: https://coachfederation.org/core-competencies

**Kolb´s learning cycle: https://learningfromexperience.com