Learn Coaching Alumni & Friends

Many coaches fight to even get by the first hundred hours for the certification within International Coach Federation (ICF) as Associated Certified Coach (ACC).

Others struggle with the business side of coaching, with no experience there is a lot to learn and overcome. Many of us start with coaching because our passion is about people, development or our own personal journey took us here. Building a business with marketing plans and budgets was not a part of the dream. Yet they may be excellent coaches and too many quit because of lack of support and colleagues to share their experience with. This is why you should join our alumni, our belief is that the world needs more coaches not less. 


Our alumni is all about coaching but not just for coaches. Our dream is to provide inspiration, new methods, tools or just food for thought that helps you keep up the good work in coaching and leadership.  


Coaching is all about people and people who connect to each other, create greater things TOGETHER than one person may create on its own. In the midst of all people gathered, shifts take place, connections and magic happens. Of course our alumni and friends meetings will be just something else. Can you imagine! Not because we will have the best keynote speakers, not because we will be in a great venue at high cost, no. It will be great because of the people gathered. Welcome together with your friends.  


We meet at least once a year, all together, throughout the year we offer training events and online education. Sometimes with Core Competence Education Units, CCEU to earn for your next certification. As an alumni you will have a discount rate at our training events and courses.   


….we need to talk about this …


Alumni Gathering August 24th, 2020.